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Genshin Impact - Where to Find Electrocules

Genshin Impact - Where to Find Electrocules

Along with the 2.0 update, Genshin Impact received the Inazuma region, where players can find a new type of okulov (elemental energy shards) - Eletrokula. By collecting them all, you can level up the statues of the Seven Archons, which in turn will give you a number of bonuses such as adventure points, increased stamina, and even source stones.

When you find yourself near the electrocute, a diamond-shaped symbol will appear on your game map, indicating the location of the sphere. To make it easier to find, you can create an Electroculus Echo Stone:

When activated, this Gem detects nearby electrocules and highlights a specified area on your map where you can expect to find an orb.

Map showing the location of the electrocules in the east of Inazuma

Genshin Impact - Where to Find Electrocules

Map showing the location of the electrocules in the west of Inazuma

Genshin Impact - Where to Find Electrocules

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Sergey Tatarenko
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