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Grounded - cheats, codes and console commands for PC

Grounded - cheats, codes and console commands for PC

If you want to calmly survive in Grounded and not be afraid that you will be eaten by evil beetles, you can use special cheat codes. Unfortunately, they only work for PCs.

To use Grounded cheats, you will have to download a third party program called Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker.

You download and use it at your own risk!

Once you have downloaded and installed the program, open the game, switch to Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker and in the tab  General  select the process in which you want to inject the DLL file. If you are using Xbox Gamepass, in the options find the process  Maine ... If you are using Steam, the name may differ.

Select the correct process and then click  Inject DLL ... You will see several pop-ups in the game that show that the program is up and running.

Now press the key  ~  in the upper left corner of the keyboard under Escape. A console will appear at the bottom of the screen:

Grounded - cheats, codes and console commands for PC

Now you can enter the commands below.

  • god - God mode (immortality).
  • timespeed # - deceleration, acceleration or complete stop of time. The higher the number, the faster time will go in the game, and the lower the number, the slower the time will go. If you set it to 0, then time will stop completely.
  • pause - will pause the game. To disable, enter the command again.
  • kill - kills your character and returns him to the starting point of spawn.
  • DamageTarget # - inflict the specified amount of damage to the target. Works against bugs and common objects in the game.
  • ResearchAllItems - analyzes all the items in the game that you need to bring to the field stations.
  • UnlockAllRecipes - unlocks all available items that can be created in the game.
  • RepairAllItems - restores all items that are in your inventory.
  • FullRestore - 100% replenishes your stamina, thirst, hunger and health.
  • AddScience # - gives the specified amount of raw materials.
  • AddWater # - replenishes the scale of thirst by the specified number.
  • AddFood # - replenishes the hunger scale by the specified number.
  • ChangeSize # - resizes you by the specified number. The command is a little buggy, so use with care.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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